would you mind something

would you mind something
expr interrog infml

Would you mind saying that again? — Повторите, пожалуйста


Would you mind my smoking in here? — Вы не будете возражать, если я закурю?

Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики. - М.:«Русский язык-Медиа» . . 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "would you mind something" в других словарях:

  • would you mind — phrase used for asking politely for something would you mind doing something: Would you mind closing that window? would you mind if: Would you mind if I brought a friend to the party? Thesaurus: ways of asking questions and making requestshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • would you mind — used for asking politely for something would you mind doing something: Would you mind closing that window? would you mind if: Would you mind if I brought a friend to the party? …   English dictionary

  • do you mind? — 1. An interjection expressing annoyance or disagreement 2. (also would you mind?) do you object? • • • Main Entry: ↑mind * * * do you mind? if you don’t mind spoken phrase used for getting someone’s permission to do something This can either be… …   Useful english dictionary

  • would — [ wud ] modal verb *** Would is usually followed by an infinitive without to : A picnic would be nice. Sometimes it is used without a following infinitive: They didn t do as much as they said they would. In conversation and informal writing,… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • would — W1S1 [wud] modal v negative short form wouldn t ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(past intentions/expectations)¦ 2¦(imagined situations)¦ 3¦(past habits)¦ 4¦(requesting)¦ 5¦(offering/inviting)¦ 6¦(what somebody wants)¦ 7¦(past purpose)¦ 8 would not …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mind — mind1 W1S1 [maınd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(ability to think and imagine)¦ 2 change your mind 3 make up your mind/make your mind up 4 have somebody/something in mind (for something) 5 bear/keep somebody/something in mind 6 with somebody/something in mind 7… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mind — I [[t]ma͟ɪnd[/t]] NOUN USES ♦ minds (Please look at category 45 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) N COUNT: with poss You refer to someone s mind when talking about their thoughts. For example, if… …   English dictionary

  • mind — 1 /maInd/ noun BRAIN/THINKING PROCESS 1 (C, U) the part of a person, usually considered to be their brain, that they use to think and imagine things: I have a picture of him in my mind tall, blond and handsome. | I don t know what s going on in… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • mind — mind1 [ maınd ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the part of you that thinks, knows, remembers, and feels things: His mind was full of the things he had seen that day. I need a walk to clear my mind. in someone s mind: I wonder what s going on in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mind*/*/*/ — [maɪnd] noun [C/U] I your thoughts and attention, or the part of you that thinks, knows, and remembers things You never know what s going on in her mind.[/ex] I can t keep my mind on work when it s so sunny outside.[/ex] She s never been able to… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • would — [[t]wəd STRONG wʊd[/t]] ♦ (Would is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. In spoken English, would is often abbreviated to d.) 1) MODAL You use would when you are saying what someone believed, hoped, or expected to happen or be… …   English dictionary

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